6. How DB Schenker solved their problem

 Each problem that we faced must have solution. This can also refer to the company that we have site visited, which is DB Schenker. Here are the solutions of DB Schenker to solved their problem.

 DB Schenker hired more workers to help manage the transportation. This is because the company has a lot of demand of delivery which cause the workers to work hard. The increasing of more workers can manage or handle the product well. Workers can also work efficiently as they were not stress at work.

 Secondly, DB Schenker also hired third party company to help them on transportation delivery. This is because the increase of demand may cause the delayed of the product due to less transportation in the company.Besides, the third party company can increase their profits by helping us.Meanwhile, the company can work efficiently and effectively because most of the delivery will be handle by the third party so DB Schenker can focus on other work.

 Finally, DB Schenker use an alternative route in case there is a problem. This is because we couldn't predicted what will happen during their journey to delivered the product. For instance, if they are stuck on  traffic or the main road is blocked for some main reason such as tar paving. Using the alternative route not only can avoid the transportation in this kind of situation, but can also reduce the time of delivery.
